Thanksgiving Holiday Collection Delay

Garbage, recycling, and yard waste will not be collected on Thursday, Nov. 23rd in observance of Thanksgiving. Regular collection will be delayed one day for the remainder of the week, with Friday collection occurring on Saturday. Learn more >>

Dispose of household hazardous waste at Metro Hazardous Waste Drop-Off in Bondurant during accepted hours, or at Metro Northwest Transfer Station in Grimes by appointment! Houseside collection is also available for a fee.

While most items are free of charge (*up to 75 lbs.) some do have a cost for disposal. If there is a cost, it is indicated in the table below. Items marked free of charge are collected then weighed - there is a $1/lb. overage fee if amount exceeds the 75 lb. limit.

**Please note: The Grimes location must keep containers; there is no pouring off. Pouring off is available at the Bondurant location only.