Thanksgiving Holiday Collection Delay

Garbage, recycling, and yard waste will not be collected on Thursday, Nov. 23rd in observance of Thanksgiving. Regular collection will be delayed one day for the remainder of the week, with Friday collection occurring on Saturday. Learn more >>

Recycling isn't just for single-family homeowners. However, most apartments, condos, and townhomes are considered a "business" to local cities. Talk to your landlord, property manager, or homeowner's association to see how recycling is handled in your complex. If not offered, work with them to start a recycling program. Most cities have ordinances requiring apartments to offer recycling.

Start a Program – Starting a program at your apartment or condo is similar to starting one at your workplace. 

Visit a Drop-Off – These Recycling Drop-Offs accept the same household recyclables as Curb It!

RecycleMeIowa is a local company that offers apartment residents door-side collection.

Townhomes Can Vary...

Some townhome associations do participate in Metro Waste Authority’s curbside program, Curb It!, because they have a curb along city streets. How townhomes are served varies in each city. Ask your association or contact your city hall to see if you qualify. If you don't, start a discussion with your association to determine feasibility.