Thanksgiving Holiday Collection Delay

Garbage, recycling, and yard waste will not be collected on Thursday, Nov. 23rd in observance of Thanksgiving. Regular collection will be delayed one day for the remainder of the week, with Friday collection occurring on Saturday. Learn more >>

Brush Bundles

Brush, sticks, and twigs are all accepted in the Compost It! program. If you're disposing of a brush bundle, please follow the following guidelines: 

  • Each bundle requires one green Compost It! sticker and CAN'T EXCEED: 
    • 40 lbs.
    • 4 feet in length
    • 18 inches in diameter


Large branches can be included in brush bundles but must be cut down to the following size: 

  • 4 feet in length
  • 10 inches in diameter

Not accepted...

Logs, stumps, rocks, and dirt are all items that are not accepted in the Compost It! program.