Thanksgiving Holiday Collection Delay

Garbage, recycling, and yard waste will not be collected on Thursday, Nov. 23rd in observance of Thanksgiving. Regular collection will be delayed one day for the remainder of the week, with Friday collection occurring on Saturday. Learn more >>

You've Got Mail

You know, the old fashioned kind!

When you’re done sifting through the bills, magazines, party invitations, and more, what should you do with the mail you don’t need? 

Although it might be referred to as junk, discarded mail is great for your recycling! This even includes mail with a clear plastic seal as well as magazines and catalogues.

After all the gifts have been opened

If it glitters, shimmers, or shines, throw it away! Only cards, wrapping paper, and gift bags without glitter, sparkly, or metallic details are accepted in the recycling. It’s also important to remove the handles off gift bags as well as any bows or ribbon. Tissue paper also belongs in the trash.

We don't want the gross stuff

If  you don’t want to touch it, your recycling cart doesn’t want it either! Tissues, toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, and napkins are all items that belong in your garbage.

The books that don't make the shelf

Hardcover and paperback books are recyclable curbside, we just ask that you limit the quantity. Books are heavy! A better option is to donate them to your local thrift store.